What should you treat?
Indications for treatment with Freeceps:
If you have muscular complaints such as:
Myogelosis, strains, trigger points, trigger bands, irritation of tendon insertion, tensions.
For these problems, apply Freeceps to the affected body areas to loosen and manipulate the tense or irritated muscle fascia tissue using either trigger point or trigger band techniques.
With the trigger point technique you can reduce pain and release muscular tension by applying pessure locally for approx. 5-30 sec on the trigger point.
With the triggerband technique, twisted fascia bands can be corrected manually. The aim of this treatment is to break up the fascial adhesions and to unwind the twisted chain.
The following problems may not be treated with Freeceps:
Unspecific cause of pain, acute fractures, acute (less than 5 days) muscle fibre tear, muscle bundle tear, tendon tear etc.n No application to body orifices, genital area, eye area, internal organs, redness, swelling, sunburn, inflammation, open wounds, burns of the skin, myositis ossificans, transplants/ implants that could be damaged by external pressure, breast tissue in women, breast implants. Application to the head and abdominal area by qualified users only. Do not use if you have any of the following symptoms or in following situations: Fever, bacterial or viral infections, under the influence of alcohol, drugs/painkillers/psychotropic medication, inflammation within the venous or arterial system (thrombosis, arteriosclerosis, risk of embolism), inflammation within the lymphatic system, unstable cardiovascular disease, blood coagulation disorder (haemophiliacs) or blood formation disorders, renal dysfunction, allergy to aluminium, epilepsy, wound healing disorder. Also do not use 5 days within an operation with general anaesthesia. Treatment of the operated region only after consultation with the attending physician or therapist.
For the following complaints or conditions, use only after consultation with a doctor:
Acute haematoma, injured intervertebral discs, older local injuries, osteoporosis, fibromyalgia, rheumatic diseases, pregnancy, neurological diseases, chronic diseases, tumour diseases, skin diseases, taking anticoagulant (blood-thinning) medication or cortisone, stable cardiovascular diseases, mental conditions.
For unknown causes of pain, be sure to consult a doctor or therapist to determine the cause, as some symptoms may not be distinguishable from a muscular/fascial problem. For example, back pain can be a symptom of kidney inflammation, kidney stones, other organic complaints, or a deeper mechanical/mobility problem of the spine, as well as an inflammation/infection in the spinal area.